Sleeping With Sirens Tour: The Medicine Tour
White Oak Music Hall pulled in a lot more than they were use to with the crowd of this past Thursday for “Sleeping with Sirens” and “Set It Off”.
Setting off the show with bands “Belmont” and “Point North” the crowd was up and ready to experience the euphoric awesomeness. From the crowd-diving to walking the waters of gathered people, this show was by far the greatest start to 2020 for many.
From Cody Carson jumping into the crowd to catching Justin Hill trying to levitate at every high riff, this show left no person disappointed. Even better this time watching Sleeping with Sirens, there wasn’t an artist who didn’t come on that stage and gave the crowd everything.
What’s a throwback rock show, without a couple of love bugs tying the knot? Although the couple didn’t get front and center stage, I took much pleasure seeing fellow rockers try their hardest to get SWS to notice what just took place in the crowd. I didn’t quite get the name of the individuals that decided to make a bond, but I can say that they were surrounded by an array of faces that were in complete awe while Kellin Quinn begins singing “Iris” by the GooGoo Dolls.
If you didn’t get a chance to attend this awesome show, take a look at our photos below. Get ready for their next show coming this April in San Antonio with the Amity Affliction, Stray from the Path, and Unity.
- Cory Carson- Set It Off
- Kellin Quinn- SWS
- Justin Hills- SWS
- Kellin Quinn- SWS
- Cory Carson- Set It Off
- Cory Carson- Set It Off
- Cory Carson- Set It Off
- Kellin Quinn- SWS
- Jack Fowler- SWS
- Justin Hills- SWS