Yungblud Electrifies Houston…Again

Yungblud at White Oak Music Hall- Written and photographed by Ashley Moore/
Yungblud returned to Houston last Wednesday, only this time he played to a crowd that was three times larger than the last time he played in Houston a few months prior. Although the show wasn’t sold out, the room was completely packed. In fact, the crowd stretched from the stage, all the way to the back doors. Some dedicated fans even camped out and slept overnight in order to get a spot at barricade. In addition, lots of people skipped school or work in order to queue outside the venue all day. Generally, Yungblud is known for his energetic and boisterous shows, and the Houston crowd did not let him down. Every single person in the room bounced throughout the entire duration of the show, and Yungblud even proclaimed Houston as the loudest crowd yet.

Yungblud takes the stage on 9/25
Yungblud, also known as Dominic Harrison, is from a small town in Northern England called Doncaster. Harrison started out on a Disney show called “The Lodge”, and is now playing sold out shows across the globe. Artists such as Lady Gaga, Eminem, and the Arctic Monkeys influence both Yungblud’s music and overall lifestyle. Recently, Yungblud came out with singles “11 Minutes”, featuring Halsey and Travis Barker of Blink-182, and “I Think I’m Okay”, featuring Machine Gun Kelly and Travis Barker. Yungblud’s debut album, 21st Century Liability, came out in the summer of 2018. His upcoming EP, “Hope For The Underrated Youth”, was just announced, and is expected to be released on October 11th of this year, featuring tracks “Parents” and “Hope For the Underrated Youth”.

Guitarist Adam Warrington
When Yungblud headlined in Houston last October, he broke his ankle on stage during the song “California”. Without missing a beat, he finished the show on one leg, and finished the rest of the tour in a wheel chair. Luckily, no bones were broken this time, and the show ran smoothly. All went well, with the exception of a fight that broke out between fans during the song “King Charles”. Yungblud abruptly stopped the song, and politely asked the girls to split up and move away from each other. He followed this interruption with a speech, saying how we should treat one another with respect. “In this f**king building we are a f**king family, alright? And in this family we don’t f**king fight each other, we f**king love each other. Now if i see anyone f**king fighting i’m gonna blow the f**k up”.
In addition, Yungblud is a strong advocate for equal rights, and he demonstrates this through his lyrics and his gender role defying clothing style. Right before changing into a mini skirt, he exclaims to the crowd, “You can love whoever the f**k you wanna love; You can look like whatever the f**k you want to look like.” The lyrics to every single one of his songs have a deeper meaning, and resonate with his fans. He’s previously stated in an interview, that he “writes songs for a generation that feels quite misunderstood” and wants to write songs that “obtain truth”. For example, the song “Polygraph Eyes” shines light on the important issue of sexual assault. While “Psychotic Kids” depicts disparity between older generations and their ideologies, and modern youth. After the show, everyone in the room felt united, despite their differences. Yungblud made sure that anyone who felt misunderstood, felt accepted in that moment.
Check out our previous interview with Yungblud below:
Follow Yungblud on his current tour:
Pre-order Yungblud’s upcoming EP:
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