Trevor Daniel Talks “Senses” Album, Writing Sad Songs and Wins Artist of Year interviews singer, Trevor Daniel. Trevor was nominated for the outlet’s Artist of the Year Award last December. After receiving the highest amount of viewer votes, Trevor won, making him the second winner ever of this award. After covering his music we caught up with the crooner. In this latest interview, we met up with the Baton Rouge native and delve into his upcoming projects, how he created his sound, why he writes sad songs, and so much more.
Trevor Daniel: What’s up, this is Trevor Daniel here with New Houston Music Outlet, check them out.
NHMO: Who is Trevor Daniel?
Trevor: I’m a musician I make I guess pop music I guess it’s pop so yeah (laughs)
NHMO: When did you start making music?
Trevor: Whenever I was a freshman [in] high school me and my friends started this kind of [group]. We were listening to Lil B a lot, you know, trolling around and we started this little group and we were just trolling the whole time honestly. And people thought we were serious so of course they were like, “Oh, y’all are trash”. I don’t know, eventually I kind of started wanting to take it seriously and my friends did too but I guess they weren’t like really interested as much. I just started going off into my own lane and you know like I guess like you do what you practice and for the longest time I was practicing this troll-y (__) music so it wasn’t that good at first and then then I started wanting to sing probably like 2015. So, started trying to sing everything which I could. I could always kind of sing but I think things just started taking off probably last year.

NHMO: Where are you from?
Trevor: I am from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I lived there for a while then I moved up to Fort Worth and then I moved back to Baton Rouge and then we finally moved [to Houston] and honestly I think I liked Houston the most out of everywhere. Its definitely got it’s own little culture and its own little thing going on and I mean the weather’s beautiful. (laughs).
NHMO: What was the process of coming into your own sound like?
Trevor: Coming into my sound was just kind of like a like a whole bunch of phases that ended up just like mashing together. I would go through phases where I was like rapping, you know, and then I went through a phase where I was like really into rock and then I was really into like house music and then I was really into pop eventually kind of wrapped together where, I don’t know, the sound started coming together like this.
NHMO: Tell us about your latest project.
Trevor: This is another thing that went through phases. At first I was going to call it, “This Must Be The Place” and that was really just kind of supposed to mean like me coming to my place in life like where I understand everything like, because we go through this thing where like, “Oh, what am I supposed to do?” you know, and then that’s kind of where I got the name from. We did some shows right over here at East Down actually and called it “This Must Be The Place” to just kind of promote it, you know, and I don’t know, the name kind of wore out its meaning to me so I changed [the name] to “Senses”.
NHMO: Why do you write sad songs?
Trevor: I mean recently I kind of realized that I write a lot of sad song which I think make up a lot of the project. I got some like happier stuff like some more upbeat stuff. A lot of it still has to do with like, you know, girls but I have some other topics mixed in on the project but overall I’m not sad. I just kind of try to put my head space in that area to write something about it and how I felt at the time.
NHMO: Where does the inspiration for your songs come from? And what do you want people to know about you?
Trevor: For everything I’ve released it’s pretty much been like something that I went through in high school. “Fool” is obviously about being friend-zoned. I like people to be able to feel like I’m talking to them and I want to have a story, you know. There’s so many songs out right now and and they all have their place, you know, like we all don’t want to listen to like real stuff all the time because then we will be thinking too much and then we’ll get sad. But I really like making like hype stuff sometimes. I guess if it works, it works but yeah I guess I want people to take home that I actually care and I want people to listen to me.
NHMO: What are your upcoming plans/ goals?
Trevor: My manager, Ricky, he lives in LA and I’m going to visit him in June for like a week. We may do some shows there. Alex or Alexander Amadeus…he’s dropping a project that I’m going to be kind of working on with him as far as like beats and everything which basically that’s like my right-hand man, like we do everything together. If I put something out he’s had his hands on it in some way and vice versa usually. I hope to win a Grammy in the next couple of years.
NHMO: Let’s sign out!
Trevor: Alright guys, thanks for tuning in. Go check out my music on Soundcloud all of my things are @IAmTrevorDaniel.
During the interview, we had a surprise for Trevor Daniel. He had won the New Houston Music Outlet Artist of the Year Award but had not been told he won. At the end of the interview we announced the results and awarded him with the Outlet Award placard.
Trevor: Oh holy [ __ ] I’m so happy. Damn that’s so sick. Dude, I’ve never won anything for music before, that’s so tight. Thank you so much dude. Bro god that’s so sick. Thank you to everybody who voted for me too. This is like a really good feeling right now. Thank you to the New Houston Music Outlet. Thank you to everybody who voted. Yeah, that’s so cool.
thank you to everyone who continues to support me and to @HoustonOutlet for the nomination and award💕 love you guys
— TREVOR DANIEL (@Iamtrevordaniel) April 10, 2017